Chieftain Regiment Badge
The badge of the Life guard of the Chieftain His Imperial ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum Joined the XXIII General Conference of ICOM23.08.2013The workers of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve joined the XXIII General Conference of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), which took place on August, 10-17, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). The main theme of the conference was “Museum (Memory + Creativity) = Social Change”. The conference was attended by nearly 2.000 representatives of the museum public from more than 100 countries. The leading specialists of the museum industry presented their talks on current topics of the museum activity. Special attention was paid to the transformative role of museums through social memory. The field session of the international committees held in the museums of Rio de Janeiro were devoted to the same subject. The forum participants discussed the issues related to museum exchanges and outreach activities of the museums, the problems of heritage conservation, the fight against the prohibited trade in cultural property, training museum professionals and improving the professional standards. The conference organizers enabled the guests to learn about the Brazilian culture, to join the tours, musicals and literary parties. The ICOM General conference is held once in three years. The next forum is scheduled for 2016, in Milan. Lyudmila Kochetova |