A Letter from A.I.Fridkin to “Voenizdat” Publisher
A letter from A.I.Fridkin to “Voenizdat” Publisher, September, 30, 1943.
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NewsOn Heroes of Yore14.12.2012The final stage of the action “Roads of the War” took place in Sholokhov school on December, 13, in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. The members of the action performed a historical and music composition “Liberation of the Vyoshensky District in 1942” based on the local materials. The students told about the fight, when, late in August of 1942, on the right bank of the River Don, the Soviet infantry divisions seized a bridgehead deep to 15 km. Later it was called “Yelansky”. It was the Yelansky foothold, where from the Red Army counteroffensive began. A number of villages were liberated. During the October the Army held the line, gathered information about the enemy. On November, 19, the 63d army attacked and occupied several villages along the Chir River. By the end of November, the Army of the South-West and Stalingrad fronts joined in the point of Sovetsky Village thus completing the incirclement of the enemy. On December, 16–19, 1942, the troops of the 197th division during the three-day fight broke the enemy fortified zone on the right bank of the River Don near the villages of Nizhne-Kalininsky and Rybny and advanced rapidly inflicting a crushing blow, which caused a further destruction of the army of general Paulus. On December, 20, 1942, the territory of the Sholokhov District was completely liberated from the German fascist invaders. The schoolchildren dedicated their poetry and songs to those tragic and heroic days, listened to the recollections of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. There was an exhibition of the student works made in the master-class “The Memory of the Heart” held in the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “The People’s House” by the workers of the Children Art Gallery of the Rostov Museum of Fine Arts. The director of the Children Art Gallery Tatiyana Burlova noted that the young artists showed their creative work, imagination, knowledge of historical material, empathy. Having studied the documents of the war time – letters, photographs, newspaper articles, – the children made a composition joining war relics scorched in the fires and battles, showed their perception of the history. Working over their drawings the children dived into the past, felt pride and respect for the memory of the defenders of our country. Their works reflected their feelings. The action “Roads of the War” organized by the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov and the Education Department of the Sholokhov District was a bright event which attracted attention of the wide public to the remarkable date and caused patriotic feelings and interest for learning the local history in the children. Svetlana Usova |