Illustration for the Novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”
Six autolithographies by L.I. Shabarshina, unpublished earlier, were given to the ...
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News“Indescribable Beauty”of the Russian Calico16.11.2012The exhibition “The Triumph of the Russian Calico” from the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Folk Art continues its work in the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “The People’s House”. The visitors are impressed by the art design of the exhibition: the exposition walls are covered with a big patchwork made of genuine cotton. This leads into the world of printed textile patterns, where beauty and harmony reign, it makes feel the artistic significance of fabrics as objects of applied art. Within the exhibition project more than ten classes were held for the schoolchildren, who were enthusiastic making their “birds of happiness” from calico shreds. Recently we received a letter from one of the museum site visitors Tatiyana Ananyina, who writes: ”I’ve got interested in the information about the wonderful exhibition. It can be an indescribable beauty. Once, in an ordinary shop I was impressed and inspired by calico to write a song. Now it is performed by the group of Russian song “Dubravushka”. The girls sing and dance with scraps of calico in their hands… I send you my song…With the best wishes. The author of the song, Tatiyana Ananyina”. We invite the countrymen and guests of the Don country to listen to the song of Tatiyana Ananyina and to attend the exhibition which will last till December, 10, 2012. Irina Koveshnikova