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Stanitsa Karghinskaya is 215


On October, 21, Stanitsa Karghinskaya marked its 215th anniversary. The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve was one of the organizers of the bright festival dedicated to this date.

Karghinskaya  is  the most scenic village in the Upper Don region. It suffered the fires of the Civil War, which annihilated beautiful merchant buildings, the anti-religious campaign, which destroyed the majestic Pokrov Church, the hard years of the Great Patrioitic War, when the fascist hordes plundered and devastated the village. The history of Karghinskaya is closely connected with the life and work of the great Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov, whose family lived in the stanitsa from 1910 till 1926. Here the writer spent his childhood, youth, here he started his working life and made the first steps in his literary career.

The workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov made a literary and musical performance, where they told about the Karghinsky period in the writer’s life, showed a staging of one of the first works of Sholokhov – a satire “The Three” and the play “Extraordinary Day” directed by Tatiyana Galitsyna. In the 20-s of the last century, the young Sholokhov was an active member of the theatrical club, he acted the hero, Petrushka, in the play staged in the mill cinema “Ideal”. The old villagers still remember his performance.

The participants of the festival were welcomed by the head of the Bokovsky District Y.A.Pyatikov, the head of the Karghin rural settlement T.S.Denisova, the director of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve A.M.Sholokhov.

In Karghinskaya, since 1985, the facilities of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve have been working: the memorial house, where the Sholokhovs lived, the parochial school, where Misha studied, the mill complex of the merchant T.A.Karghin described in the novel “The Quiet Don”.

On the day of the stanitsa’s jubilee the stream of visitors of the exposition increased markedly.

The guests of the festival enjoyed the concert of the folk groups from the local House of Culture and the neighbouring villages. The hospitable countrymen entertained the guests with goodies, and the festivities lasted the whole day.

Late at night the village was lit up with coloured fireworks, which ended the anniversary celebrations. 

Nataliya Donskova