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“I will Write about Your Fighting…”


From September, 1942, till February, 1943, M.A. Sholokhov was at the Stalingrad front as a war correspondent. During this period the most fierce fighting of the Soviet troops, which ended in the defeat of the major strategic German forces, took place in the area between the Volga and the Don.

At that time M.A. Sholokhov said to one of the soldiers: “I want to make a good writing about your fight for our country. Now I am walking about the trenches, familiarizing myself, learning from you, getting to know the soldiers’ everyday life. Later I will write about it. I am sure I will”. On those days Sholokhov attended the soldiers’ trenches, urban barricades, factory workshops turned into defence facilities. He believed in the victory, and talking with the soldiers he strengthened their belief and gave hope to them. Besides, the cockles of the writer’s heart were also warmed by the information about throwing the enemy back from his native Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya in the second half of December, 1942.

On December, 22, that year, M.A. Sholokhov was awarded the Medal ”For Defending Stalingrad” by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet.

Unfortunately, the Museum collection lacks photos of the writer of that period. We appeal to all who keeps photos of M.A. Sholokhov on the days of the Battle of Stalingrad to share the rarities with the fund collection of the Museum-Reserve of M.A. Sholokhov. 

Larisa Bukina