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The Museum “Fordson-Putilovets” was Exposed at the Agricultural Exhibition


The workers of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the session of the Don agrarian scientific-practical conference “Innovative Ways of Development of the Agroindustrial Complex: Problems and Prospects”,which was held on October, 25-26, at the Azov-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy (Zernograd).

The plenary session was joined by more than 450 representatives of the ministries and departments, the Russian Agricultural Academy, universities, scientific research institutions, agricultural enterprises. Thereafter, the work was held in seven sections in different areas of agricultural science.

At the exhibition of agricultural machinery “Achievements of the Don Agrarian Science” held at the conference, among the latest designs of the agricultural and tillage machines, universal tractors and harvesters, a tractor ”Fordson-Putilovets” from the collection of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov was exhibited for the first time. The unique museum exhibit was presented by the deputy director of Ecology and Environmental Management of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, PH.D. in agriculture, T.Y.Turchin.

The “Fordson” made in 1926, in Saint-Petersburg, has been kept for some years in the Museum collection in bad repair. And only specialists from the North-Caucasian Research Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences helped to restore the machine rare in our time. On behalf of the Museum staff T.Y.Turchin thanked the masters for the excellent restoration of the rarity.

Serghey Sivtsov
Evgheniya Kharitonova