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A Jubilee of the People’s Actress


On  August , 22, the People’s Actress of the RSFSR Irina Skobtseva, who acted the part of the regimental doctor in the film “They Fought for Their Country” after the novel by M.A.Sholokhov, marks her 85th anniversary.

The  major  role  in  the  creative life of the actress was played by Serghey Bondarchuk, who made his debut in 1959 , as director of the film “The Fate of a Man” on the short story by Mikhail Sholokhov and starred in it.

In 1975, Bondarchuk made a film “They Fought for Their Country”, and the role of the regimental doctor was played by Irina Konstantinovna. The film shooting took place in one of the picturesque places of Zadoniye the Volgograd Region, which was chosen by Mikhail Sholokhov himself. It was near the tract of Zelyonye Gory on the bank of the River Don with steep chalk slopes.

16 years later, Skobtseva played the role of Ilyinichna in the serial film “The Quiet Don”, which Serghey Bondarchuk shot in the homeland of M.A.Sholokhov. Irina Konstantinovna and Serghey Fyodorovich visited Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, talked with Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. The writer was fond of listening to the works of Taras Shevchenko, Pushkin performed by Serghey Fyodorovich.

Irina Skobtseva acted in 62 films. In 1997, the actress was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Tatiyana Krikun