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Regular Session of “Sholokhov Readings” in Vyoshenskaya


A new session of “Sholokhov Readings started on September, 4, 2012, in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, in “the People’s House” of the State M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

According to the tradition the conference members put flowers to the tomb of the writer before the first session.

The plenary session was opened by the director of the Museum-Reserve A.M.Sholokhov. He told about the past year achievements of the Museum, wished a successful and fruitful work for the participants.

The guests of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya were greeted by the head of the Sholokhov District O.N.Delnov.

Philology Doctor Y.A.Dvoryashin conducted the plenary session and gave his talk. Other talks were presented by Philology Doctors: D.V.Pol, E.A.Kostin, A.A.Dyrdin, S.A.Vasiliyev and others.

The audience got interested in the talks by the Museum workers – L.P.Razogreyeva, the Museum Chief Custodian, and S.I.Gribanov, a senior worker.

The forum of Sholokhov scholars was premised by presenting greeting telegrams for the conference participants. Among them there was a greeting letter by professor G.S.Ermolayev from Prinston University, the USA. In recent years there have been some positive developments in the studies of Sholokhov’s art. International scientific conferences for the study in the creative work of M.A.Sholokhov have become frequent in the Museum-Reserve in Vyoshenskaya. The credit for their organization belongs to the Museum director A.M.Sholokhov and his assistants. The reports are very diverse and show the knowledge of the subject. In Moscow publishing house “Synergy” a great selfless work over “Sholokhov Encyclopaedia” is coming to completion under the guidance of Ph.D. Y.A. Dvoryashin. The commented on manuscripts of the two first books of “The Quiet Don” are being prepared for publication in the Institute of the World Literature.

Simultaneously, some publishers and Sholokhov scholars consider “The Quiet Don” editions with unrestored censor removals to be canonical. It is a great pity, that school programs are frequently scarce or lacking of “The Quiet Don”. In this way schoolchildren are weaned away from historical and artistic values of Sholokhov’s masterpiece, from landscapes having no equal in the domestic fiction.


A testimonial from the Rostov Region Ministry of General and Professional Education goes:

“Dear members of the Conference!

The Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Rostov Region warmly congratulates  you on the opening of the International scientific-practical conference “Modern Studies in the Art of M.A.Sholokhov: Problems, Concepts, Approaches”!

You really make a great contribution into the study and investigation in the new aspects of the creative work of our famous countryman M.A.Sholokhov.

The Conference annually attracts more attention of the scholars of the literary art of M.A.Sholokhov, they come from different parts of Russia and from European and Asian countries.

It enables a comprehensive and fruitful investigation in the versatile art of the great writer and a deeper imbuing with the humanism of his immortal works.

It is encouraging that the Conference gathers young scholars, teachers, and every year they are joined by new members.

The Rostov Region Ministry of education is deeply grateful to all the members and organizers of the conference for their sincere love for literature and, in particular, for the creative work of M.A.Sholokhov, for a great contribution into spreading and popularizing the cultural heritage of the great writer.

We wish you creative energy, optimism, good health, wealth, happiness and new success for the benefit of the Don region!

A.A..Parshina, acting Minister of General
and Professional Education.
Rostov-on-Don, September, 4, 2012.”

“Sholokhov Readings” will continue their work on September, 5 and 6.

Alexey Kochetov