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“The Khopyor Dawns of Mikhail Sholokhov”


The State M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the ecological and local lore holiday “The Khopyor Dawns of Mikhail Sholokhov”, which was held on June, 23, in Stanitsa Bukanovskaya the Kumylzhensky District, the Volgograd Region.

A great attraction for the participants of the holiday was the exhibition “Open Air Novel” devoted to the conception of development of the state M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The exposition told about the great  Russian writer, his life environment, and enabled the visitors to go by the roads of Sholokhov’s personages, to see the nooks of the Don land, which serve an illustration of the great novel and continue to live and create new stories.

There were stands telling about the 25-year-old creative activity of the folk group “Zarnitsa”, which entertained the residents and quests of the holiday.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Environmental Protection and Nature  of the Volgograd Region, Boris Vladimirovich Novikov, awarded the State M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve the Diploma for active participation in preparation and holding the holiday of “The Khopyor Dawns of Mikhail Sholokhov” and for a great contribution in preservation of historic and artistic heritage of the writer.


Valery Emeliyanov