Letters from the Archives of B.S.Lashchilin
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NewsSholokhov Museum at the “Intermuseum – 2012 Festival09.06.2012The State M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve held a presentation of the “Open Air Novel” project at the International Museum Festival “Intermuseum-2012”, which took place on June,1-6, in the Central Artist’s House in Moscow. The use of modern technology and original design of the stand in the form of an open book attracted the members and guests of the festival. Immortelle flowers and feather- grass beautified the composition. The museum-workers presented a bright theatrical performance which enabled the viewers to go through lives of Sholokhov’s personages, showed the beauty of the Don country, reserved areas, which the writer loved and described in his books, presented exciting trips for tourists. Every corner of the Don land glorified by Mikhail Sholokhov makes an illustration for his great novel, it lives on creating new stories. Every visitor to the Quiet Don gets the opportunity to leaf through the pages of this unique living book. The Museum exposition was visited by the Russian Federation Minister of Culture Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky, whom Director of the Museum, Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov, presented a book about the Museum-Reserve and a souvenir bag with fragrant Don herbs. The main theme of the festival this year was “Museums and Tourism: Museum Integration in the Tour Industry”. Vladimir Medinsky underlined: “Culture and tourism is the most natural combination which can be. Museum must become the centre of attraction for Russian tourists and foreign visitors. And in general, every object of culture should be built into the system of tourism activity”. The business program was interesting and rich. Over 30 companies demonstrated modern museum projects and technology at the exhibition “Technomuseum”. Representatives of the leading world museums and museum organizations shared their international experiences in attracting tourists, raised global problems in this area. Among the honoured guests of the festival was the President of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), Hans-Martin Hinz (Germany), a member of the ICOM executive board Carlos Roberto F.Brandau (Brazil), directors and representatives of the major museums of Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Holland, Norway and Portugal. More than 200 museums of Russia, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan demonstrated their achievements and opportunities, shared their experiences learning from each other. Certainly, participation in this major forum broadens professional horizons of our Museum, provides additional opportunities for expanding cooperation in various areas of the museum work, helps to attract foreign and domestic tourists and gives interesting and useful contacts with colleagues, inspires for new creative solutions in our work. Nadezhda Sidorova |