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“Sholokhov Geography” by Schoolchildren


The State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve has published a collection of student scientific papers “Sholokhov Geography: from the Source to the Nobel Triumph”.

It is the third book presenting the papers of the International scientific conference of children and youth. It contains the works of schoolchildren from different parts of Russia, Georgia, Ukrain, Byelorussia, Kazakhstan. The authors share love and care for their native nature, the historic past of their country, interest for the life and art of Mikhail Sholokhov.

In the XXI century the problems of ecology and nature management are topical and are decided on the state level, and in ordinary secondary schools young ecologists try to contribute to improving the ecological condition of their native places. They see a model of high civil responsibility in the position of Sholokhov, who considered that writers must express their deep care about the nature. Boys and girls coming to Vyoshenskaya for the scientific-practical conference share their impressions and research in biology and area study, present their projects of rational use of the natural resources.

The section “Literary Heritage of M.A. Sholokhov” joins the works about the places connected with Sholokhov’s art, the influence of the writer’s work on the country-fellows of the authors of the papers, the friendship of M.A. Sholokhov and the Georgian people, his meetings in Kazakhstan.

Besides, there are presented subject sections “Ecological Culture”, “Rational Nature Management”, “Natural Places of Sights”, “Historic and Cultural Sights”.

Tatiyana Likhovidova