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Sholokhov’s Grandson, Alexander, Has Turned Fifty


On January, 25, the director of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov, turned fifty.

The director met his jubilee in work and care, and in the evening his colleagues and numerous guests congratulated him in the People’s House.

The museum-workers celebrated the jubilee of Alexander Mikhailovich with a concert “It Turns Fifty Only Once…”, there were a lot of congratulations and toasts proposed for him, and more than a hundred telegrams and greeting cards were delivered.

There were congratulations from the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev and his wife, the Russian Federation Minister of Culture A.A. Avdeyev, the President of the Russian Museum Union, the director of the State Hermitage M.B. Piotrovsky, the prefect of the Eastern Administrative district of Moscow V.B. Zotov, the akim of the West-Kazakhstan Region of the Kazakhstan Republic N.A. Nogayev, the Government of the Rostov Region, the deputies of the State Duma and the Rostov Region Legislative Assembly, the heads of towns and districts of the Rostov Region, the workers of the State A.S. Pushkin Museum, the National Museum of the Tatarstan Republic, the Orenburg Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum-Reserve “Tarkhany”, the museum “New Jerusalem”, the Museum-Reserve “Tanais”, the State Central Museum of Modern History of Russia, the Yamalo-Nenets I.S. Shemanovsky  Museum-Exbibitional Complex, the Museum-Reserve “Kulikovo Pole” and many others.

A big delegation of directors of the leading Russian museums from different parts of the country came to Vyoshenskaya to congratulate their colleague on his jubilee.

Serghey Gribanov