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Memory Day of M.A. Sholokhov in Stanitsa Veshenskaya


On the Memory Day of M.A. Sholokhov the residents of Vyoshenskaya put fresh flowers to the bust at the embankment and to the tomb of the writer. A thematic party was held in the Vyoshenskaya Palace of Culture “I Live Among My Personages…”

The party was devoted to the Karghin period in the writer’s life. It is known that it was Karghin, where the writer made his first steps into the big literature, the village, which became a stanitsa in 1918 and was one of the main sources of inspiration for creation unique images for his, now legendary, personages.

The public was shown a composition which reflected the episodes of the writer’s youth, the time, when the would-be classic lived among the Cossacks and assimilated the typical nature of the vivid Cossack life. The fragments of the first writer’s works, old Cossack songs were performed by the theatrical group of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, song group “Zarnitsa” and guest groups “Lyubo” from Novocherkassk and “The Don Zest” from the Kamensk District. The public enjoyed the bright performance of the scenes from Sholokhov’s satirical story “The Three” and his early play “Unusual Day”, as well as the genuine Sholokhov’s humour.

The composition was accompanied by video to show that it had been Karghin Village, where the first Sholokhov’s short stories were written and the great novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” was conceived, and that in Stanitsa Karghinskaya M.A. Sholokhov initiated and financed the construction of the secondary school, which is named after him now.

The members of the party, performers and public on that memorial day came into contact with Sholokhov’s life, which showed that the writer was fond of his native country, he always remembered and helped his countrymen.

Alexey Kochetov