Clayware was widely used on the Don: jugs, cooking pots, pitchers. ...
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NewsFor the 100th Anniversary of Anatoliy Sofronov17.01.2011In the memorial house of the Estate of M.A. Sholokhov preparations are in progress for opening a new exhibition devoted to the life and work of A.V. Sofronov, a poet, writer, public figure, and to his contact with M.A. Sholokhov. Among the exhibits one can see a photograph made during a visit of Sofronov to Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, his books with Sholokhov’s autographs, a correspondence of the two writers, as well as the issues of the magazine “Ogonyok” with abstracts from M.A. Sholokhov’s works and illustrations by O.G. Vereiskiy. The exhibition is timed for the 100thanniversary of Anatoliy Vladimirovich Sofronov, which is going to be celebrated on January, 19. Sofronov connected his destiny with the Don country, to which he devoted many of his poems: “In Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya”, “Cossacks”, volumes of poems “Over the River Don” (1938), “The Don Country” (1940), “We are from Rostov” (1964) and others. Sofronov first met with Sholokhov in 1930, at the literary session in Rostov, they got closer in the summer of 1938, when he, according to the order of the Rostov newsreel studio, took part in shooting a documentary film about the writer. As the editor-in-chief of the “Ogonyok” magazine (1953-1986), the member of the USSR Writers’ Union and its secretary, A.V. Sofronov took an active part in the literary life of the country, met with many writers. He valued highly the art of M.A. Sholokhov, many times visited him, in particular, he came to Vyoshenskaya in the spring of 1954. That April the magazine “Ogonyok” began publishing the chapters from the second book of the novel “Virgin Soil Upturned”. Alexey Agryzkov |