Wooden Utensils
Handmade wooden utensils occupied a special place among the various household ...
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NewsGardens Laying Out on the Bank of the Chir River11.05.2011In Stanitsa Karghinskaya, on the left bank of the Chir River, on the territory of the mill complex, on May, 10, the workers of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve laid out an orchard. The place was chosen by no accident. Just here, early in the XX century, there was a garden of a Cossack T.A. Karghin, the mill owner. The trees were planted by the children from Karghinskaya secondary school named after M.A. Sholokhov. With great interest they listened to the recollections of the old stanitsa’s resident V.I. Frolov, who had seen the garden of T.A. Karghin in his youth. Till now the residents of Karghinskaya remember with admiration about the garden died during the Great Patriotic war. On the upper Don, where gardening had been widely developed by the end of the XIX century, the garden of Karghin was one of the biggest. The planters were greeted by the head of the Bokovskiy District Y.A. Pyatikov and director of the Museum-Reserve A.M. Sholokhov, who then joined others for planting apple, pear, plum and cherry trees. On that day there were planted over 200 trees in all. To remember about the day of laying out the garden all the planters were given badges and personal cards showing the trees planted by them. The Museum carries out a great work on preservation and restoration of gardens and orchards on the Upper Don. Memorial gardens have been restored at the parential estate of M.A. Sholokhov in Kruzhilin Village, near the Sholokhovs’ house in Stanitsa Karghinskaya, at the writer’s estate in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Orchards of old local sorts are laid out at the Cossack estate in Kruzhilin Village and on the territory of the Children’s Museum Centre in Vyoshenskaya. Ekaterina Malikova |