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The Time to Rest in Russia


This was the motto of the VI International Tourist Exhibition “Intourmarket-2011” held on March, 12-15, in Moscow, in which the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took an active part.

Over 75 thousand people, who visited the Moscow Exhibition Centre “Crocus Expo”, where the exhibition worked, learned about the opportunities for tourist rest-making in 80 regions of Russia and in 135 regions of other countries of the world.

The stand of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve was presented as a part of the associated Rostov Region exposition. Besides, the Museum acted as the representative of the Rostov regional tourist information centre, of which the Museum is one of the constitutors.

Answering questions of the colleagues and numerous visitors of the exhibition the museum-workers told about the recreation opportunities on the Upper Don, about the peculiarities of the conception “Open Air Novel”, about the tourist and information centre aimed at developing entrance and home tourism and promoting the regional tourist product at the home and international markets. The centre is engaged in creating the information system, setting up excursions and transfers, participating in the international forums, rendering assistance in holding business meetings, promoting congress events.

A particular interest was aroused by the tours “To the Source of the “Quiet Don”, “To “Sholokhov Spring”, “From Moscow to the Cossack Don”, which programs are various and captivating. We hope that the flow of tourists to the native land of Sholokhov will increase, and the Museum-Reserve will help them to page the unique Open Air Novel, to take the roads of Sholokhov’s personages.

For active participation in the VI International tourist exhibition “Intourmarket – 2011” the forum organizers awarded the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve the certificate proving a high level and quality of the tourist product brought forward.

Viktor Boldyrev