Illustrations by the Petrovs Artists
27 prints by the Petrovs artists for the story “The Fate ...
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NewsA Concert Lesson of “Zarnitsa”21.04.2010On the 21st of April the members of the people’s folk group “Zarnitsa” gave a concert lesson for the schoolchildren of the Sholokhov school on the theme of “The Don Cossack Historic Songs” at the “People’s House” of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The art leader of the group V.I. Koshkina told the children about the events reflected in the Cossack songs, and the “Zarnitsa” performed the song “It was on the River of Kamyshinka”, which was sung already in the XVI century, the songs about the Poltava battle, about the Russian – Turkish wars and the war against Napoleon. The musical talk ended in a “marching” song “There was a Steppe Path in the Vast Field…” The children were delighted to listen to the story about the way the songs were born, which were then passed on from generation to generation, and applauded stormily to the performers. S. Gribanov |