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Area Study Lessons in the Museum of M.A. Sholokhov


For several years the Museum-Reserve of M.A. Sholokhov has been holding a special course of “Area Study” jointly with the Rostov-on-Don school of experimental models “Evrika-Development”. The program provides for visiting lessons on the base of the Museum in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya.

During one of these lessons in the homestead of M.A. Sholokhov the senior scientific workers of the Museum E.B. Karbysheva and N.V. Kirsanova made a falk for the schoolchildren on the subject “The Great Patriotic War in the Life and Work of M.A. Sholokhov”, devoted to the 105th anniversary of the writer and the 65th anniversary of the Victory over the Fascist Germany. Along with the Rostov schoolchildren there were invited the children of the first and the seventh grades of the Teacher Training College school.

The epigraph of the lesson were the words of the writer: “The soul of each of us was entered by the war with all its burden”. The children learned that Mikhail Aleksandrovich had taken part in the Great Patriotic war, about his war-time books, they saw fragments of the film after the story “The Fate of a Man”, made by the film director S.F. Bondarchuk. The lesson included the abstracts from the writer’s books performed by the young reciters. Then the children visited the study of the writer, where the story had been written.

In four creative groups the pupils of the school “Evrika-Development” continued their visiting the Museum-Reserve.

One of the groups with the teacher N.V. Krasilnikova visited the scientific-fund department to learn the structure of the Museum funds. The senior scientific worker L.T. Afanasiyeva told about the peculiarities of the documentary fund of the Museum-Reserve. The children made independent studies of Sholokhov’s letters addressed to D.P. Efremov and V.I. Khodunov: they studied the style of the writer, sorted out the letters and analysed them.

The leading teacher of the second visiting group N.N. Zubkova took the pupils to the meeting with the senior scientific worker N.T. Kuznetsova. Nadezhda Timofeyevna gave a lesson in the manor house of Sholokhov’s homestead to tell about the translators of the writer’s books.

The lesson for the third group of the teacher T.V. Ermakova took place in the children’s Museum centre. The scientific worker of the youth program department A.G. Tyapkin showed the children how to make a model of farm offices from clay. The children were glad to do the master’s assignment, and their clay articles became souvenirs for them.

The fourth group comprised young ecologists. Together with the teacher of biology and chemistry E.V. Maslova and a junior scientific worker of the memorial landscape preservation and environmental monitoring L.F. Borodina they took the nature trail “A Living Spring”, which begins in the suburbs of Vyoshenskaya and leads to the Otrog. On their way the children admired the Don nature, learned to know the plants growing in the Sholokhov District, made entries in their diaries.

The Rostov schoolchildren learned many new and interesting things about the life and creative work of the writer at the excursion about the house of M.A. Sholokhov where he lived from 1926 till 1935 and worked over the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”.

The young learners of folklore also visited Sholokhov’s house in Stanitsa Karghinskaya, where the writer worked over “The Don Stories”, they saw the historical and literary exposition “M.A. Sholokhov. Time and Destiny”, went sightseeing around the stanitsa, visited the Museum stable.

S. Usova
The photo by S. Gribanov