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“Intermuseum-2010” Gave Rise to New Ideas


The State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the XII All-Russia Museum Festival “Intermuseum-2010” and the IX exhibition “Museum Equipment and Technologies “Expomuseum”, which were held on June, 2-6, in Moscow, in the all-Russia Exhibition Centre.

The festival mottoed “Museum Is a Unity of Unlike” gathered about two hundred museums. This year the subject of the forum was “Museum: a Keeper of the Past, Teacher of the Present, Creator of the Future”.

The participants were greeted by the Russian Federation Minister of Culture A.A. Avdeyev, who emphasized, that the aim of the festival was to attract attention of the large public to the museum business and the destinies of the historic and cultural heritage, to show the museums and museum business as a topical sphere of life of the Russian people as the most important ground for spiritual revival of Russia, to present a wide panorama of the museum schemes, innovations and ideas to the public.

Our Museum-Reserve delegation made a presentation of the project “A Museum in the Museum”. The museum community members, Moscovites and visitors to the capital got much interested in the musical and theatrical compositions, attending presentations of visiting exhibitions in the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “The People’s House”. The director of the Museum of M.A. Sholokhov A.M. Sholokhov said, that after the People’s House was put in operation it enabled people of the Don country to learn about the finest specimens in the culture of Russia and abroad. The unique collections from the State A.S. Pushkin Museum (Moscow), the State L.N. Tolstoy Museum-Reserve “Yasnaya Polyana”, the Yaroslavl State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, the State Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve of I.S. Turghenev “Spasskoye-Lutovinovo” and others had already been exhibited in Vyoshenskaya. Each exhibition gathers hundreds of visitors, the children being the most active and inquisitive, who take Museum lessons held in the People’s House.

The workers of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve exchanged their practical experience and new ideas with their colleagues, took part in the work of the seminars and “round tables”, where topical questions on the museum-reserves activity were discussed. The forum, which atmosphere was both festive and business, gave rise to new ideas and plans, which will be vivid “pages” of our unique Open Air Novel.

A. Agryzkov