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Radiance of “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki”


The rain could not cast a gloom over the Literary and Folklore holiday: “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki” were so brightly radiant with dresses, songs, dances, smiles, so that the viewers hidden under their umbrellas stormily applauded and cried out “Bravo!” and “Encore!”.

This year there was a surprise for boys and girls: they could see “The Colt” performed after the story of M.A. Sholokhov, by the Rostov State Puppet Show Theatre named after V. Bylkov.

In the main square of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya the holiday-makers played merry active games of their grandparents, of the 50-60-s, took part in quiz games and contests, treated themselves to sweet “cotton wool”.

The shooting-range was queued: a skill of shooting for a Cossack is most important. The marksmen won a prize after prize. A six-year-old sniper having received a prize for his pointed shooting, begged: “Well, Daddy, give me, please, one more ten rouble note, I want to hit “the ten”!  And hitting “the ten” target, he won ten more free shots. Great!

And soon the concert burst out! This year “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki” were joined by a lot of  children and children’s song and dance groups. It is obvious that the children are fond of songs and dances of their grandparents.

The entertainers announced, they all were going to be carried away about thirty years back… And they really got back to the past: the performers from Vyoshenskaya and Bokovskaya children schools of art, Vyoshenskiy Teacher Training  College, the Sholokhov school of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya turned the square into a bright kaleidoscope of songs, dances, dresses and… dress models most fashionable in the 50-60-s.

Accompanied by the “Lilies-of-the Valley” by Feltsman, “The Old Walts” by Frenkel, Kolker’s “The Girls are Standing”…, the students of the Vyoshenskiy Teacher Training College aroused admiration in today’s girls of fashion with their most stylish dresses of the time of rock-n-roll, twist and shake. The group “Fantasy” from Stanitsa Bokovskaya performed Piyekha’s song “Our Neighbour”, children chorus of the Sholokhov school performed the song “A Chase”, a children’s hit of 1969, bright was the performance of the song “Top-Top” of S. Pozhlakov (1964) by Yuliya Kramorova from the Vyoshenskaya school of arts and the home “twist” song “Black Cat” of Y. Saulskiy by the song group “Star Breeze” from Vyoshenskiy Teacher Training College.

Then the stage was taken by the masters of folk song and dance.

The residents of Vyoshenskaya were highly elated about the people’s folk song and dance group “Stanichniki” (The leader is Eva Lapteva). Their performance “With Us on the Don” is a magnificent spectacle!

The audience enjoyed the folk songs of the folk group “Stanitsa” from the Vyoshenskiy Teacher Training College, of the group “Rostok” from the Rostov school №19 (the leader is E. Ivanova), the dance group “Star Rain” from Shakhti, school №23, “Surprise” from the Volgograd Region, Mikhailovka. A special delight was a Tatar dance by the group “Topotushki” from the children school of arts №3 of Mikhailovka.

A real concert was performed by the young actors from the Donetsk Region (Ukrain). The residents of Vyoshenskaya will remember the Ukrainian towns of  Druzhkovka and Chasov Yar and especially the soloist of the group “Eldorado” Anastasiya Vorobey and a parade of wonderful voices from the Palace of Culture of the Chasovoyarskiy Fireproof company.

As usual, the best performance was that by the students of the Moscow Balakirev school of arts №9 (The leader is T. Chistova).

The square went silent at the heartfelt Sholokhov’s lines read from the novels “They Fought for Their Country” and “Virgin Soil Upturned” by the moscovites, winners of the Moscow Festival “Sholokhov Spring” A. Zhukov and Y. Gurova.

At the end of the concert it stopped raining, and the famous A. Pakhmutova’s “Sun Circle” sounded symbolically, performed by the children group “Solnyshko” of the Bokovskaya school of arts.

The holiday joined the young admirers of Sholokhov’s work, talented boys and girls who were keen on folk art. Participation in “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki”, which became a true decoration of the “Sholokhov Spring”, is a good opportunity to show creative achievements, communicate with guests from different parts of Russia and abroad, to see and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

S. Gribanov
The photo by the author