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The Deputy Handed in the Rewards to the Museum Workers


At the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve there was a meeting with Nataliya Andreyevna Statsenko, the deputy of the Rostov Region Legislative Meeting, the Chairman of the Committee on Budget, Taxes and Property. Nataliya Andreyevna told about her deputy work, answered the questions and carried out a pleasant mission – handing in the rewards to the Museum-Workers in honour of the 105thanniversary of M.A. Sholokhov.

N.A. Statsenko handed in a Diploma of the Rostov Region Legislative Meeting to Mikhail Mikhailovich Sholokhov, the son of the writer, the chief consultant of the Museum, for his great personal contribution in the cultural development and in connection with his 75th anniversary. For many years M.M. Sholokhov has been working in the Museum, he is the author of the book “About My Father. Essays-Memoirs of Different Years”, which was honoured with the International Sholokhov Prize.

For a great contribution in the cultural development and fruitful work of long standing the gratitude of the Russian Federation Minister of Culture was announced to the Museum workers: Irina Alekseyevna Koveshnikova, Svetlana Alekseyevna Usova, Nadezhda Vasiliyevna Perevyortkina, Yuriy Anatoliyevich Razuvayev, Vitaliy Pavlovich Tripolin, Larisa Vitaliyevna Bukina.

The chief accountant Elena Ivanovna Dyomina and a junior scientific worker of the Research and Expositional department Nina Sergheyevna Noskina were rewarded with a Thanksgiving Letter of the Rostov Region Ministry of Culture for their great contribution in the achievement of high efficiency and creative approach to the work.

A.M. Sholokhov, the director of the Museum-Reserve, warmly greeted the colleagues for the rewards and wished a great success in their work.

On the same day N.A. Statsenko hold a deputy reception in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya and then visited the sites of the M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve.

O. Bakhtiyarova