A Telegram of M.A. Sholokhov to A.V. Kalinin
The text of the telegram sent for the 60th anniversary of ...
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NewsThe Journal “Don” is 8516.04.2010On April, 15, it was the 85th anniversary of the literary and fiction journal “Don”, which is published in Rostov-on-Don, and is a tribune of the Writers’ Union of Russia. The first title of the journal was “Lava”, in 1927 it was called “At an Upsweep”, and from 1957 it was named “Don”. In the first issue of 1957 there was published a story by M. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”. As well, the second part of “Virgin Soil Upturned” was published in the journal. For a long time Mikhail Alexandrovich had been the member of the “Don” editorial board. “The very presence of his made the journal weighty, - the journal responsible secretary A.M. Kryukov said to the regional newspaper reporter. – Let’s remember that it was owing to Mikhail Alexandrovich, that the conception of “the Cossacks” is associated in the world first of all with the word “Don”. The journal publishes the works of the “Don writer company” – poets and prosaics from Moscow, Volgograd, Voronezh, young writers of Northern Caucasus and Ukrain, articles of literary scholars, critics, philosophers. But Sholokhov remains the main subject of each of the issues. It develops in the sections of “Our Sholokhov”, “The Age of Sholokhov”, “Sholokhov Studies”, publishing papers of the Museum scientific workers and Sholokhov scholars, photo materials, recollections of writer’s countrymen. O. Bakhtiyarova |