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The Great Truth about the War is on the Run


35 years ago the film “They Fought for Their Country” went on the run. According to the film director S.F. Bondarchuk the film was to tell the truth about the Great Patriotic war – with blood, death and a great belief in the victory. As well, Serghey Fyodorovich tried to convey explicitly the very spirit of Sholokhov’s work.

The film shows one of the grievous periods of the war – the summer of 1942, battles on the Don preceding the Stalingrad epopee.

The film shooting began late in the May of 1974, and in the April of 1975 the first run of the film took place in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Before the film shooting it took much time to choose a natural site. The spot was suggested by Sholokhov himself, it was a village of Melologovskiy of the Volgograd Region not far from Stanitsa Kletskaya which is known by the Red Army troops drawing back in the summer of 1942. Just that dramatic period gave rise to the massive unprecedented heroism of our people who fought for their native land.

We spend only 4 days with the film personages. The terrible enemy is contained by the people of peaceful trades: Nikolay Streltsov, an agronomist, Pyotr Lopakhin, a miner, Ivan Zvyaghintsev, a combine operator. However, their fighting is quite believable for the viewer, these fighters of the lessened infantry regiment will stop the enemy under Stalingrad and then will enter Berlin as victors.

The main parts of the film were performed by V. Shukshin, V. Tikhonov, S. Bondarchuk, Y. Nikulin, N. Gubenko, I. Lapikov. It was a constellation of magnificent stars, most of them visited Sholokhov in Vyoshenskaya.

The film was a success, it was seen by millions of viewers. Undoubtedly, in the year of the 65th anniversary of the Victory over fascism it will be on the run again telling the severe truth of the great hardships of our people.

V. Leonova