“Anthological” Portrait of Sholokhov
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NewsThe Don Governor Visited the School, Where Sholokhov Studied20.08.2010On August, 18, the structures of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve situated in Stanitsa Karghinskaya was visited by the Rostov Region governor V.Y. Golubev. The director of the Museum A.M. Sholokhov made an excursion for the guest about the parochial school where Misha Sholokhov studied from 1912 till 1914. In the memorial classroom A.M. Sholokhov showed the desk, at which the would-be writer sat, told about his school years and hobbies. The governor was interested to visit the exhibition “My School Path…”, where the exhibits tell about foundation and development of the education system on the Don in the pre- and post-revolutionary period, - ABC books, textbooks of the past years, praising diplomas, school uniform, home-made toys. A.M. Sholokhov told V.Y. Golubev about the history and development of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, about the process of reconstructing the mill complex in Stanitsa Karghinskaya and the House of Brothers Martyn in Rostov-on-Don, about the prospects of expanding the Museum service spectrum. Pyotr Donskov |