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NewsA New Exhibition in the House-Museum of Sholokhov01.07.2010In the sitting-room of the memorial house, where the writer lived in 1949-1984, an exhibition is set up, where original documents, autographs, articles are displayed to tell about warm and friendly relations of Sholokhov and the Don writer Anatoliy Kalinin, Daghestan poet Rasul Gamzatov, Ukrainian writer Oles Gonchar. There was a long friendship between Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov and Anatoliy Veniaminovich Kalinin. Kalinin was one of the adherents of Sholokhov’s traditions in the home literature. Many times he visited Mikhail Aleksandrovich in Vyoshenskaya, he published a number of essays about the life and work of Sholokhov. Mikhail Aleksandrovich was also a close friend of Oles Gonchar, followed his creative work, spoke about the writer as an aspiration of the Ukrainian literature. Sholokhov was very friendly with the famous Daghestan poet Rasul Gamzatov. Gamzatov spoke about Sholokhov’s work very warmly, he considered the books of Mikhail Aleksandrovich to be classics. “I am happy that he afforded me his attention and friendship, – Gamzatov said. The exhibition in the Estate house of M.A. Sholokhov attracts a great interest of the visitors. Elena Popova |