The Seal of the 1st Company of the 12th Don Cossack Regiment
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NewsA Holiday in Stanitsa Bukanovskaya23.06.2010The State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the ecological and folklore holiday “The Khopyor Daybreaks” of Mikhail Sholokhov”, which was held on June, 19, in Stanitsa Bukanovskaya of the Kumylzhenskiy District, the Volgograd Region. The holiday-makers got greatly interested in the Museum exhibition devoted to the life and work of the great writer, to the history of the Don Cossacks and Upper Don nature, laid out in the stanitsa’s House of Culture. The visitors could see the video presentation of the Excursion and Exhibition centre “The People’s House” of the Museum-Reserve, which enabled the residents of the Don country and neighbouring regions to see the best specimens of culture of Russia and foreign countries. The People’s House has already exhibited the unique collections of the State A.S. Pushkin Museum (Moscow), the State L.N. Tolstoy Museum-Reserve “Yasnaya Polyana”, the Yaroslavl State Historical, Architectural and Artistic Museum-Reserve, the State I.S. Turghenev Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve “Spasskoye-Lutovinovo” and others. The leaders of the Ecological Committee of the Volgograd Region Administration and the State Office of the Natural Park “Nizhnekhopyorskiy” tendered their gratitude to the director of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve A.M. Sholokhov for their organizing and methodic assistance in holding the holiday. “The Khopyor Daybreaks” have been held since 2005, the holiday has got its traditions: in the stanitsa’s square “the Cossack intertainments with songs, dances, interesting contests take place. The guests can taste the treats of the Cossack cuisine. The gala-concert was joined by the folklore groups from the Volgograd Region. This year the group “Zarnitsa” of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve was of great delight. The opening ceremony of the “Sholokhov Hall” in the local museum of history and culture of the traditional Cossack land use was timed for this holiday. In Bukanovskaya the people cherish in their memory the years of the writer’s living and working there. There Sholokhov met with Mariya Gromoslavskaya, the daughter of the former stanitsa’s ataman, there, in January of 1924 they were wedded in the Pokrov Church. On the place of the former church now there is an alley laid out of 50 linden-trees and a memorial sign, a polished red-granit stone bearing the lines from the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” and the writer’s facsimile. Valeriy Emeliyanov |