Misha Sholokhov with His Parents
The parents of M.A. Sholokhov: Sholokhov Alexander Mikhailovich (1865-1925) was born ...
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NewsA Graphic Exhibition Is Opened in Sholokhov Museum09.03.2010On March, 9, at the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “The People’s House of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve there is opened an exhibition of works by the artist Alexey Bogdanov “Following the Paths of Sholokhov’s Personages”. It is the twelfth exhibition in “The People’s House”. This time the visitors are introduced a collection of graphic works. At the exhibition opening ceremony the guests were greeted by the director of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov and the author of the pictures, the artist Alexey Petrovich Bogdanov. - We expect the exhibition to arouse interest in those who feel great love for their native land, anguish and trouble about its destiny, - said A.M. Sholokhov. - One can’t remain indifferent at a wonderful harmony of perceiving the Don land by the artist living in Germany, his regret of what we are losing now, with feelings of those living in this land. Now we can follow “the paths of Sholokhov’s personages” and reflect together with the author of the pictures. A.P. Bogdanov said that when he had shown his Don landscapes in Germany, many people were amazed by the beauty of the Don land. - What Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov wrote about finds a ready response in the soul of a creative person, - said the artist. – It is very important for me to uphold a connection of generations, to prevent the spiritual traditions, culture, nature from annihilation by the civilization. The visitors of the exhibition opening ceremony highly appreciated the works of Alexey Bogdanov. The artist is felt to admire the beauty of the Don land, the peculiarity of the Cossack everyday life and fascinating folklore. A mild beauty of the nature, its powerful energy in landscapes is enchanting and attractive. The pastel tones render a state of a quiet contemplation, illumination, airiness, warmth. The painter shows his admiring the beauty of the nature, as well as his reflecting about life, time, relationship of man with the surrounding world. The theme of Cossacks is very close to Alexey Petrovich. His ancestors were Cossacks who settled in Kirghizia before the Revolution, had a sound husbandry, then were dispossessed. A.P. Bogdanov was born in 1953 in Frunze, graduated from the Art School. In 1984 he became the Member of the Union of Artists and Designers of the USSR, worked over the art design projects for museums, festivals and park areas. After the USSR break-up Alexey Bogdanov left Kirghizia. Since 1991 he has been living in Germany, he is the Member of the Germany Union of Artists. For the last 15 years his works have been displayed at more than 40 exhibitions. The pictures of A.P. Bogdanov were purchased by the State Art Museum of Kirghizia and the Museum of M.V. Frunze, private collectors from Italy, England, Scotland, Russia, Kirghizia, Germany. The artist’s brother and his family live on the Don, in the village of Kolundayevskiy. His coming on a visit to his brother in the Don land in 1995, fascination of the nature, his interest for the Cossack history, creative work of M.A. Sholokhov gave an impetus for creating a series of pictures which are exhibited now under the heading “Following the Paths of Sholokhov’s Personages”. In his pictures Alexey Bogdanov depicts cretaceous and sandy banks of the Don, a boundless steppe, flood-lands and meadows, lakes, birch and alder groves which are so dear for everyone who loves and values the creative work of Sholokhov. And how picturesque are the Upper Don villages of Gorokhovskiy and Kolundayevskiy, Stanitsa Yelanskaya. Huge willows, old Cossack houses, drowned in dense bushes and herbs – all these are in primeval appearance keeping recollections about the past, and meeting here any of the Sholokhov’s personages seems very real. The artist is interested in the Cossack destinies ploughed over by the stormy and merciless history of the XX century. From the mass of the Cossack villages, full of life at the beginning of the century, by the end of it only few of them have survived, with the rest of them being abandoned, the lands becoming deserted, good-quality houses being ruined. The pictures of Alexey Bogdanov are imprinted in the soul, touch with their musing spirit. They bear hope for revival after a heavy century-old winter, an exhortation for the young people to remember and honour the history of their forefathers. For a brighter, emotional perception the exhibitionis is completed with the ethnographic exhibits from the funds of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. You are welcome to the exhibition “Following the Paths of Sholokhov’s Personages”, which will last till May, 4, 2010. Elena Tolstopyatenko |