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NewsSholokhov Readings – 201024.09.2010
On September, 21-23, in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the International Scientific-Practical Conference (“Sholokhov Readings”) was held, where the up-to-date peculiarities of the study in the creative work of M.A. Sholokhov were discussed. The greeting for the forum participants was sent by the Doctor of Sciences, professor of the Sychuan University (the Chinese People’s Republic) Lu Yadin. Within the three days the scientists of Sholokhov’s work discussed the new approaches to the study in the work of M.A. Sholokhov, modern interpretations of Sholokhov’s works and images, tendencies and prospects of studies in the biography, creative and social activity of the writer, his creative work study in the high and secondary school. The talks were given by the Doctors of Philological Sciences – professor of the Surgut State Pedagogical University Y.A. Dvoryashin, professor of the Uliyanovsk Technical University A.A. Dyrdin, professor of the Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute N.M. Muraviyov, the chief of the literature laboratory of the Institute of Artistic Education of the Russian Academy of Education D.V. Pol, an assistant professor of the Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogic Institute, S.A.Vasiliyev, an assistant professor of the Surgut State Pedagogic University N.A. Dvoryashin, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, professor of the Pedagogic Institute of the South Federal University V.N. Zhukova, Doctor of Culturology, professor of the South Federal University N.I. Stopchenko, candidates of Philological Sciences – senior scientific worker of the World Literature Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.N. Vorontsova, an assistant professor of the Moscow State Humanitarian University O.A. Davydova, an assistant professor of the South Federal University T.O. Osipova, an assistant professor of the Belgorod State University E.A. Shirina, an assistant professor of the Tumen State University N.V. Danilova, an assistant professor V.N. Glukhov (Volgograd), the teacher of the chair of the XX century Home Literature of the South Federal University A.V. Kolesnikov, as well as the workers of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve L.P. Razogreyeva, A.M. Kochetov, E.B. Karbysheva, L.P. Kochetova, A.N. Gavrilov. On the final day of the conference a “round-table” was held on the problems and issues of the intermediate stage in preparing “Sholokhov Encyclopaedia”. Summing up the conference the writer’s son, general scientific advisor of the museum, M.M. Sholokhov thanked the participants for their great work on the studies in Sholokhov’s heritage and called for paying more attention to the interconnection “a book – a reader”, which is so acute today. The members of the “Sholokhov Readings” visited the expositions of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, made a pleasure boat trip by the Don, visited the Museum structures in the village of Kruzhilinskiy and Stanitsa Karghinskaya. They were much impressed by the reconstruction of the Karghin Mill complex, which was so brightly depicted on the pages of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. A. Kochetov