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Songs of Victory at the Maidan of Vyoshenskaya


Today, on September, 24, in the central square of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the Museum-Reserve of M.A. Sholokhov and the Rostov Regional House of the People’s Art make a holiday devoted to the 35th anniversary of screening the film “They Fought for Their Country” and to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. The program is as well timed for the jubilee of the great film director Serghey Bondarchuk: on September, 25, his 90 th anniversary is marked.

The film shooting began late in the May of 1974. The site for it was suggested by Sholokhov himself, it was the village of Melologovskiy of the Volgograd Region, not far from Stanitsa Kletskaya, where in the summer of 1942 terrible battles took place. The first-night of the film took place in the April of 1975, in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Irina Skobtseva, the wife of S.F. Bondarchuk, emphasizes in her interview for the press, that Bondarchuk admired Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov as a living classic. “Many people considered Sholokhov to be severe, but as a matter of fact, he was tender-hearted. Such a one, modest and unpretentious, was Serghey Fyodorovich. They quickly found a common ground”.

The viewers will see again the stills from their favourite film and hear the story of its creation. It will be followed by a wonderful concert including the war-time songs and the folk Cossack songs. The best Rostov Region dance groups will make a bright dancing show.

O. Bakhtiyarova