Evidence of the Formidable Era
This photo was made at the beginning of the Great Patriotic ...
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News“On the Way to Sholokhov…”15.09.2009These words from the essay of Viktor Likhonosov became a burden of the “Literary Meetings” which took place on September, 14, 2009 in the People’s House of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The writers Alexey Varlamov, Valentin Kurbatov and Viktor Likhonosov who came to Sholokhov land, talked with the readers about the present day state of the Russian culture, about the necessity of preserving the Russian language and about the responsibility of the men of letters before the future generations. Viktor Likhonosov visited Vyoshenskaya several times, and, as he said, each visit gave him new strength for creation, as the tenor of his works is the life of the modern village, Cossack destinies, their devotion to the native land. Whom from, if not Sholokhov, do we learn to love our Motherland? All Rus should have gathered in Vyoshki, I was thinking on the eve of the writer’s centenary. Where are you, Rus?...” – V.I. Likhonosov shared his ideas with the residents of Vyoshenskaya. Alexey Varlamov, the author of the books about Grin, Prishvin, Bulgakov, A. Tolstoy, also considers visiting Sholokhov land very important for himself. Speaking about the modern Russian culture, A.N. Varlamov emphasized that though the culture in our country is at the back of beyond at present, yet we must attend to our business, “gather our energies to break through all the evils and find something good”, take care of the Russian speech. Valentin Kurbatov is worried about the aggressive tendency in developing the modern art called “performance”. This is an issue of an inner desert, - considers the author of the literary portraits of Viktor Astafiyev, Valentin Rasputin, the biography of Mikhail Prishvin and “the home supervisor” Semyon Gheichenko. – Those, who cherish Russia, must become the last bastion of the Russian speech. We are glad to see the heritage of the great Russian writer carefully preserved on Sholokhov’s land”. The director of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve A.M. Sholokhov, when summing up the results of the meeting thanked the writers for the frank talk and emphasized, that such meetings give a possibility to realize the responsibility of each of us for the destiny of the Russian culture, “to wake up” and go to wake up others”. V. Likhonosov, A. Varlamov and V. Kurbatov took part in the “Sholokhov Readings” held on those days in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, they visited the sites of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve and natural sights. O. Bakhtiyarova |