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Who is Going to Be the Millionth Visitor?


Annually the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is attended by more than 60 thousand visitors from different parts of our country and abroad. This year a flow of tourists has increased. According to the preliminary calculation in 2009 the Museum will be attended by the millionth visitor.

The museum-workers have got a tradition of celebrating “a jubilee lucky person”. The 100th visitor of the Museum was welcomed in the July of 1988, it was Alexey Petrovich Duma, chairman of the Mine Trade Union Committee of Lytkarino Village, the Lugansk Region. The 500th visitor was Nadezhda Vasiliyevna Kulik, a member of the amateur performance from Krugloye Village of the Azov District, the Rostov Region, who visited the museum on September, 3, 1995.

The jubilee visitors were presented with memorable tickets for free visiting all the structures and expositions of the Museum and a novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” with an autograph of the writer’s son.

The tour guides of the central Museum structure – the estate of M.A. Sholokhov – are ready to meet “the millioner”. It may become one of the guests of the all-Russia literary folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring”. He will be given a present for memory from the Museum-Reserve and a right for free visiting all the Museum structures.

The time will show who will become the millionth visitor, but everyone has a chance of getting such a honorary title, who will go on an excursion to the Museum structures on the days of celebrating “Sholokhov Spring”.

S. Gribanov