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The Jubilee of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve was Celebrated on the Don Land


On July, 11, 2009, the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve was 25. The celebrations devoted to this significant date took place in the Rostov Regional Philharmonic and in the Vyoshenskaya Palace of Culture.

The Museum-Reserve has got many friends, and the house of the Vyoshenskaya Palace of Culture failed to seat all those who wished to greet the hero of the day, so the celebrations began on the 10th of July in the Rostov Regional Philharmonic with a gala-concert.

The Philharmonic house gathered the representatives of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture, the deputies of the State Duma, the leaders of the Region, creative unions, colleagues of the museums of Russia, admirers of Sholokhov’s creative work. The actors of the Rostov Musical Theatre, Gorkiy Drama Theatre, Philharmonic, Puppet Show Theatre, the Regional House of the People’s Art gave their best performances.

Next day in the Palace of Culture of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya a festive session was held, which became a peculiar excursion into the past. The veterans of the Museum and the present-day museum-workers together paged the chronicle of the Museum, recollected the past days.

The staff of the Museum was greeted on the jubilee by the leaders of the North Rostov Region, the representatives of social organizations, offices and enterprises.

More than two hundred museum-workers of the jubilee museum were rewarded with Honorary Diplomas and Thanksgiving Letters.

In the world of culture the age of 25 is very young, but in the life of the Sholokhov Museum there had been many wonderful and memorial happenings: the first steps in the formation, creation of interesting expositions, opening new museum structures, holding bright “Sholokhov Springs”, arrival of the President of Russia at Vyoshenskaya, scientific conferences and painstaking research work.

Nowadays the Museum-Reserve of M.A. Sholokhov is one of the ten best museums of Europe, it stands on the list of the State Code of the most valuable structures of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

The Museum of M.A. Sholokhov is very popular now, it got to a new quality level. The modern conception of the Museum development is named “The Open Air Novel”, and the thousands of people coming to the land of Sholokhov, write a continuation of this unique novel. Day after day the circle of friends and adherents becomes wider, and it means that the big friendly collective body – a jubilee hero – according to the director of the Museum, A.M. Sholokhov, has “a big interesting and bright way ahead of them”.

O. Bakhtiyarova