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The Folk Talents Festivity


The folk group “Zarnitsa” on November, 4, 2009, joined the festival of the Sholokhov District folk creative groups possessing the title “Narodnyi” (belonging to the people). The festivity was devoted to 80th anniversary of the district foundation.

Besides “Zarnitsa” of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve there performed the people’s choruses of Vyoshenskiy and Antipovskiy houses of culture, the groups “The Don Song” of Bazkovskiy house of culture and “Stanichniki” of the Extracurricular Work Centre, vocal-instrumental group “Balzam” and the folk group “Veshka”.

The performers and audience were greeted by the head of the Sholokhov District A.G. Kramskov. Each group was granted the Thanksgiving Letters for an important contribution into development of the Don culture and devotion to the Cossack traditions.

The festival confirmed once again a great importance of the selfless work of the people’s folk groups, their leading part in preserving and spreading the song heritage of the Upper Don Cossacks.

V. Koshkina