The Red Banknote
In Russia, before the Revolution, the 10-ruble banknote was called by ...
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NewsThe Museum Workers Visited Yasnaya Polyana12.11.2009Early in November, 2009, the museum workers of the youth program department visited the State Memorial and Natural Reserve “The Museum-Estate of L.N. Tolstoy “Yasnaya Polyana” for the purpose of experience exchange. The museum of “Yasnaya Polyana” acquired a great experience in holding museum classes aimed at developing creative ability and cognition of children in relation to their age and psychological peculiarities. The department of museum pedagogics in collaboration with the children’s educational enterprises of Tula and the Tula Region creates and realizes various educational programs, organizes a children’s travelling exhibition and annual children’s readings “Yasnaya Polyana”. These forms of the museum work have much in common with those used in the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The M.A. Sholokhov Museum pedagogues attended the interactive classes “The School of L.N. Tolstoy” for primary school pupils and a kindergarten “Ant Brotherhood”. Besides, together with the workers of the exposition department of the museum-estate “Yasnaya Polyana” they discussed the details of the presentation of the exhibition The Garden of Leo Tolstoy” in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. T. Shevtsova, |