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Moscow Schoolchildren on the Native Land of M.A. Sholokhov


This April Stanitsa Veshenskaya was visited by a group of schoolchildren and teachers of Moscow school number 339. They made up their mind of visiting the native land of the great writer after attending the international tourist exhibition “Intourmarket-2009”, in which the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is a constant member. The information displayed on the Museum exhibition stand attracted not only tour operators and tour company managers, but also school teachers.

On the Upper Don the schoolchildren from Moscow spent three days. They visited the House-Museum of  M.A. Sholokhov, the historical-literary exposition “M.A. Sholokhov. The Time and Destiny”, visited the native land of the writer in Kruzhilinskiy Village, in Stanitsa Karghinskaya, where the writer spent his childhood and adolescence, they saw the writer’s favourite place – the Don natural monument – Lebyazhiy Yar.

The children and their teachers were indelibly impressed by visiting the Museum Stable, where they had an excursion and were allowed to feed the horses with bread. The children had a horse ride, the bravest – on horseback, the rest of them – in a riding vehicle.

The Moscovites wrote in the “Impression Book”: “… It was a great fun, a lot of interesting and impressive things. We have learnt much about the writer, his life and creative work. We liked the land, the river. The air is fresh. It is very beautiful. We are very glad to have visited the stanitsa. We would like to come here on a visit again. Thank you for your hospitality, we are very grateful to you”.

The State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve always welcomes the guests from different regions of our country and abroad on the Don land.

Galina Smirnova