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Memory Day of M.A. Sholokhov in Stanitsa Veshenskaya


On February, 21, 1984, Mikhail Aexandrovich Sholokhov was gone. A quarter of a century has already passed, but Sholokhov still remains the Sholokhov – the great Russian writer who revealed for the world the life of the Don Cossacks and who sang the matchless beauty of his native land.

In Stanitsa Veshenskaya, on February, 20, 21, since early morning the countrymen of the writer  had been going to the grave of M.A. Sholokhov, to his bust monument on the Don embankment. On Friday of the 20th of February in the stanitsa’s House of Culture a social for the memory of M.A. Sholokhov was held.

The literary-musical composition “M.A. Sholokhov in Life and in Our Memory”, organized by the folk creative group of the state-museum-reserve with participation of the young performers from the Moscow school of art named after M. Balakirev, impressed the audience a lot. A live Sholokhov’s word, the writer’s favourite songs, classic and folk music sounded from the stage.

The excellent direction of Tatiyana Karghina, inspiration and sincerity of all the program participants gained a success.

On the 21 of February the Moscow performers set out on a visit to the neighbouring stanitsas and villages to perform there and express “a sense of love and excitement”, – the way Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov would say.

Serghey Gribanov