The Men’s Headwear
Cossack men’s headwear is a special part of their clothes. It ...
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NewsKnowledge Acquired from Under the Ground02.03.2009One of the halls of the Excursion-Exhibition Centre of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve displays an exposition “Veshenskaya Land Antiquities”. It is based on the archaeological collections from barrow excavations on the territory of our region, carried out by the Rostov State University within the period from 1979 till 1983. The exposition “Veshenskaya Land Antiquities” became a place for museum classes of archaeology for the schoolchildren of the Sholokhovskiy District. In class they learned about the tribes and peoples inhabiting the territory of our region in different periods, about the ancient Don fauna specimens. Having surveyed the archaeological exhibits, schemes, photos, the children acted as archaeologists – researchers, restorers. The schoolchildren learned to bring into proper reference of a find to a certain archaeological culture or age, they restored the initial form of the vessel by its replica fragments. The class ended in a mini-performance “How the Pot Reconciled Fire to Water”. The plot of the performance relates to the wonderful properties of clay and the history of making crockery of it. The image perception was emphasized by diadems picturing fire, water and a vessel. Such kind of classes help to broaden the pupils’ outlook and to enrich knowledge on the ancient history of our region. Svetlana Usova |