“Sketches of Vyoshenskaya” by A.V. Bogdanov
A collection of pictures by an artist from Vyoshenskaya, Alexander Bogdanov, ...
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NewsInternational Scientific Conference of Schoolchildren25.03.2009On March, 24-25, 2009, the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve held the second international children-youth scientific conference “Sholokhov Geography: from the Source to the Nobel Triumph”, devoted to the 10th anniversary of the children youth ecological movement “Sholokhov’s Sourse”. The conference, prepared and held under the support of the Committee on the Environment and Natural Resource Protection of the Rostov Region Administration, was participated by schoolchildren from Byelorussia, Kazakhstan, the Rostov, Voronezh and Volgograd regions. The young researchers in literature, local lore, ecology, sharing the interest in the creative work of M.A. Sholokhov, were warmly greeted by the director of the State Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, A.M. Sholokhov. He emphasized the importance of giving a joy of communicating to each other, sharing the knowledge, discovering new pages of Sholokhov’s heritage together. The conference program was intense. Having profoundly and seriously studied the creative work of the Nobel Prize laureate, the everyday life of the Don Cossacks, the history and natural peculiarities of their native places, the children prepared their sapid talks. Their speeches were accompanied by a video presentation. The most interesting research works were those of Polina Serdyukova and Dariya Abrosova from the Rostov school “Evrika-Razvitiye”, of Anastasiya Chuchuyeva from the Sholokhov school of Stanitsa Veshenskaya, of Zukhra Biseneva from the Dariyinskaya school of the West-Kazakhstan Region, of Inna Sidelnikova and Yulia Khramova from school number 1 of Nikolayevsk Volgograd Region. Each school delegation had prepared a photo exhibition on the subject “The World I Live in”. Feeling love and pride, the children spoke about their native land, the visitors of their age were attracted by the photographs of nature, on-the-sport commentaries about school life, photo reproductions of the past years. The best were the presentations of “Evrika-Razvitiye” school, school number 1 of Nikolayevsk and of the Dariyinskaya school. For an active participation in the work of children-youth ecological movement “Sholokhov’s Sourse” and spreading the literary heritage of the writer the director of the Museum A.M. Sholokhov handed over to the children the Diplomas, Letters of Thanks, presents. The young researchers of Sholokhov’s work attended the People’s House exhibition “Japan, Distant and Near”, visited the Manor-House of Sholokhov in Stanitsa Veshenskaya, the house-museums in Kruzhilinskiy Village and Stanitsa Karghinskaya, visited the stable of the Museum-Reserve. Ten years later, at the start of the ecological movement, the Veshenskaya land united schoolchildren from different places. Now a big friendly team of the young researchers of Sholokhov’s work, ecologists have founded their Republic having its traditions, history, flag, emblem and anthem. At this jubilee meeting the words of the anthem sounded especially moving: “We are encouraged by the spirit of freedom, expectation, faith and love!” Tatyana Likhovidova |