Letters from the Archives of B.S.Lashchilin
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NewsFilm-Maker A. Proshkin Visited Stanitsa Veshenskaya13.04.2009Alexander Proshkin, a well-known Russian film-maker, met in the People’s House of the State Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in Stanitsa Veshenskaya with the citizens and the museum-workers. Having visited the museum expositions the day before, the venerable film-maker when opening the meeting noted, that he was merely amazed at a really alive, not formal, atmosphere of each museum structure. He wished the museum workers a success in their noble mission. – I have brought you my latest film screened after the story by V.G. Rasputin, - said A. Proshkin, and it is very symbolic, that this film is going to be demonstrated today on the native land of Sholokhov. Frankly speaking, the country is abandoned now in Russia, and neither the authorities, nor the society pay attention to it, and it dies, this being a tragedy. Our film is also about tragic events in a Siberian village in the war years. I hope you will like the film, the performance of the actors – Dariya Moroz, Mikhail Yevlanov, Serghey Makovetskiy, Anna Mikhalkova. The citizens of the stanitsa asked the film-maker many questions, including those about the problems of the Cinematographers’ Association of Russia. Alexander Anatoliyevich, who had failed participating in the extraordinary congress of cinematographers for a good reason, with a heavy heart noted, that the main problem was not in the personalities of the Association leaders, but because the fact that the national film production industry was let drifting, there was no proper government support, the system of the branch functioning had not been developed, there are extremely few cinema-houses in Russia, whereas the ticket prices are excessively high. There were asked questions about a shortage of good modern filmscripts, about the TV film repertory, and others. The talk with the audience was honest, frank and friendly. The survey of the film “Live and Remember” was followed by a long discussion of the Cossack men and women about what they had seen. Still outside the house they also recollected other films of the film-maker – “Mikhailo Lomonosov”, “The Cold Summer of 1953”. A. Proshkin and his wife during two days, on April, 7-8, made “a journey to the source” – to Kruzhilinskiy Village. The fact is, the wife’s grandfather was a chieftain of that village before the Revolution, and she is still proud of her Cossack family-name – “Kruzhilina”. Alexey Kochetov |