Russian Leather (Uft) Boots
For hunting and fishing outings M.A.Sholokhov used to wear Russian leather ...
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NewsConference “M.A. Sholokhov in the Modern World”23.04.2009On April, 21-22, 2009 in the Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov there was held the X International Scientific- Practical conference, devoted to the work of the great Russian writer – “M.A. Sholokhov in the Modern World”. It was participated by the workers of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov makes a great contribution in the development of Sholokhov’s work research: here is founded and actively works “Sholokhov Centre”, a profound scientific foundation is created, more than forty significant scientific works are published, scientific theses are supported on the creative literary work of Sholokhov. The students, postgraduates are active in studying the life and creative literary work of the great writer. At the University the museum of M.A. Sholokhov is founded. The conference participation geography is very wide – Moscow, Minsk, Tashkent, Surghut, Lipetsk, Borisoglebsk, Ryazan, Byelgorod, Ulan-Ude, Michurinsk, Sterlitamak, Elektrostal, Yelets, Tyumen, Bataisk, Kyzyl, Saratov, Kurgan – all this proves the interest for the writer’s heritage. The members of the conference were greeted by the director of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve A.M. Sholokhov, a writer Y.V. Bondarev, a poet E.A. Isayev, the head of the publishing house “Sovetskiy Pisatel” A.V. Larionov, the People’s Actress of Russia, the President of the “Sholokhov Encyclopaedia” fund Z.M. Kiriyenko. At the forum opening ceremony a folklore group “Zarnitsa” performed. At the conference there was held a plenary session, a section work, round-table talks. All the talks, including those of the Museum-Reserve workers will be published in a book of collected papers “Sholokhov Readings”. Tatyana Shevtsova |