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News“The Khopyor Daybreaks of Mikhail Sholokhov” in Bukanovskaya23.06.2009On June, 20, 2009, in Stanitsa Bukanovskaya of the Kumylzhenskiy District, the Volgograd Region, there was held an ecological and local-lore holiday “The Khopyor Daybreaks” of Mikhail Sholokhov”. It was participated by the delegation of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve headed by the director A.M. Sholokhov. It is the fifth, jubilee holiday. The first one took place in the year of the 100th anniversary of the great writer. The organizers of “The Khopyor Daybreaks” are the Committee of the Natural Resources and Environment Protection of the Volgograd Region Administration and the State enterprise “Nizhnekhopyorskiy Natural Park”. They aim at attracting attention to the unique Sholokhov’s places, uniting professionals and enthusiasts who strive for preserving the surrounding world in its natural grandeur and diversity, and summing up the results of ecological education. The festivity was joined by the representatives of the legislative and executive bodies, the leaders of the nature protecting structures, scientific circles, social ecological bodies. It is not accidental for the festivity to be held on the Khopyor land: the local history is closely connected with the name of Sholokhov. The residents of Bukanovskaya are proud of the fact that it was here that the would-be writer met the only love of his – the daughter of the former stanitsa’s ataman Mariya Gromoslavskaya, and here the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” was conceived. The workers of the scientific-exposition department of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve made possible for the residents of Bukanovskaya to go on a virtual excursion about the structures and landscape sites of the Museum-Reserve, and the residents of the stanitsa gave new exhibits to the museum-workers. On that day there took place an opening ceremony of the Museum of the Traditional Cossack Land Use History and Culture, an exhibition of the amateur painters “My Native Land” devoted to the life and work of Sholokhov, a photo exhibition “They Fought for Their Country”, a presentation of the book by A.N. Gavrilov “The Life of Sholokhov in Bukanovskaya”. On the central square of the stanitsa the folk groups enjoyed “the Cossack merrymaking” with songs and dances, here one could try traditional Cossack dishes, watch “wall-to-wall” fighting and strength competitions. The holiday of literature, ecology and history of this wonderful hospitable and singing land gained a great success. Serghey Gribanov |