Steelyard Balance
Many Cossack families used a steelyard balance, a straight-beam balance with ...
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News“Return to Us, Our Memory, a Little of the Past…”10.06.2009This is the name of the exhibition which is open in the excursion and exhibition centre “The People’s House” of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. It is devoted to the 85th anniversary of the foundation of the Vyoshenskiy District of the Rostov Region and tells about Vyoshenskaya of the 50-60-s of the past century. The opening ceremony of the exhibition which was held on June, 9, was visited by the old stanitsa’s residents, the people who had worked for a long time in different district enterprises, the veterans of the Great Patriotic War and of the home front service, who had defended their Motherland in the battles and restored the economy ruined by the war. With great interest the young people examined the exposition, for the first time they saw a telephone with an inductor, an arithmometer, textbooks, which their parents had studied with, they heard the call signs of the “Pionerskaya Zorka”. Addressing to the audience, the director of the Museum A.M. Sholokhov emphasized, how important it is to cherish the past of our country, to preserve all the good things that had been done by the foregoing generations, appreciate their experience. “I am sure the exhibition we are opening now, - said Alexander Mikhailovich, - will remind about many glorious pages of the history of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya”. The head of the Sholokhov District A.G. Kramskov thanked the workers of the Museum-Reserve for their work on preserving the history, culture and nature of the Sholokhov land, emphasized the great role of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov in the development of the Vyoshenskiy District. Seeing the exhibits of the exposition the residents of the stanitsa recollected the past times, recognized their friends and themselves in the old photos, with interest they examined the household utensils, everyday appliances, clothes, perfumery of the past years. In the restored interior of the living-room the people recognized the things that were used and found almost in each house in the 50-60-s, and a sledge, skates, toys reminded them about their passed happy childhood. The excursion to the past was followed by the literary and musical composition, devoted to the history of the stanitsa. While having tea all the visitors of the exhibition opening ceremony turned the pages of the Sholokhov land annals joined in by the collective bodies of the enterprises, remembered the favourite songs and enjoyed smart dresses fashionable in the past years. We invite the residents and guests of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya to the exhibition “Return to Us, Our Memory, a Little of the Past…” to the excursion and exhibition centre “The People’s House” (Podtyolkov Street, 66). Elena Tolstopyatenko |