An Autograph of Nikolay Ostrovsky
Sholokhov was interested in heroic fate and work of Nikolay Ostrovsky ...
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NewsOnce a Reminiscence of the Sweet, Remote Happenings Would Occur to You…13.07.2009On July, 11, 2009, at the excursion and exhibition centre “The People’s House” of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve an exhibition “Once a Reminiscence of the Sweet, Remote Happenings Would Occur to You…” was opened. The exposition was constituted from the materials of the State Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve of I.S. Turghenev “Spasskoye-Lutovinovo”. The Memorial Museum of the great Russian writer Ivan Sergheyevich Turghenev displayed the original photos and personal belongings of the writer, of his mother Varvara Petrovna, as well as of the famous figures of the Russian culture – A.K. Tolstoy, A.N. Ostrovskiy, A.G. Rubinstein. The visitors will see lithographic portraits of Turghenev’s contemporaries whom he had been communicating with for many years and who served prototypes for the personages of his books, the first editions of his works issued in Russia and abroad, the writings of Turghenev’s contemporaries – Annenkov, Nekrasov, Fet, Polonskiy, Zolya, Goncourt brothers, Hugo, Flober and George Sand, the articles of the Turghenev’s time, unique specimens of the cabinet bronze and porcelain. Each exhibit is peculiar to illustrate the life and work of Turghenev, it enables the viewers to get a new look at certain pages of his biography. The exhibition opening ceremony was attended by the director of the Museum-Reserve of I.S. Turghenev “Spasskoye-Lutovinovo” N.I. Levin and the museum-workers. They spoke about the work of the staff of “Spasskoye-Lutovinovo” for preserving “the Turghenev’s space”, displayed a videofilm about the Estate-Memorial and its ancient history. The guests and visitors of the exhibition were warmly greeted by the director of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve A.M. Sholokhov and the head of the Sholokhov District A.G. Kramskov. They emphasized the importance of the new exhibition opening for the people of the Don land. Now, visiting Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the homeland of Sholokhov, one can touch the creative work of the great Russian writer Turghenev. This is the seventh travelling exhibition held in the Peoples’ House within the project “A Museum in the Museum”. We invite the residents and guests of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya to attend the exhibition “Once a Reminiscence of the Sweet, Remote Happenings Would Occur to You…”, which will last till October, 8, 2009. Valeriy Yemeliyanov |