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The collection of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov is added with a ...
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News“A Legend about Igor’s Array” on the Native Land of the Author of the Novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”24.04.2009In The People’s House of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve on April, 24, 2009, an exhibition of the Yaroslavl State Historical-Arhitectural and Art Museum-Reserve “Gold Legend of Yaroslavl” began its exposition. The richest collection (more than 325.000 pieces of deposition) was represented by ancient books including the masterpiece of the ancient Russian literature “A Legend about Igor’s Array”, the second ancient Yaroslavl book is “Fyodor’s Gospel of the XIV century”, the unique icons, the articles of the church furnishings and merchant use. They are really invaluable rarities telling about the deep roots of the Russian culture. At the exhibition opening ceremony the director of the Yaroslavl Museum E.A. Ankudinova said, that for the Sholokhov Museum they had selected the most interesting exhibits. And suddenly she asked: how many times is the word “Don” mentioned in “A Legend about Igor’s Array”? It appeared fourteen times. The manuscript of “A Legend…” was found on the Yaroslavl land, that is on the Upper Volga, and now the two greatest European rivers – the Don and the Volga – are joined by their cultural traditions on the native land of M.A. Sholokhov. When greeting the exhibition opening the head of the Sholokhov District A.G. Kramskov and the director of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve shared the opinion, that the event was of great importance in understanding our common history, our roots, our cultural values. The exhibition is going to run on the Upper Don till June, 24, 2009 and it will be attended by thousands of thankful visitors including the guests of the holiday “Sholokhov Spring”. Alexey Kochetov |