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Master-Class for Guides


Early in March a group of workers of the Sholokhov State Museum-Reserve took a course of training in Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Art at the faculty of museum keeping and excursion guiding according to the program “Organization and Realization Techniques of the Museum Guiding Programs”.

         The course of training covered the most interesting points for us:

-         organization of guiding activity in the museums of different kinds;
-         a technique of guide program organization and realization;
-         playing methods in an excursion;
-         the forms of guiding activity in the literary museums;
-         a complex excursion technique;
-         psychological- didactive aspects of guiding activity.

The classes were perfectly organized being based on the best museums of Saint-Petersburg and its suburbs.

The next stage of training will take place this August when the guide teachers from the Northern Capital come to Stanitsa Veshenskaya.

Viktor Boldyrev