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Keeping Memory of Sholokhov


According to the tradition the residents and guests of Stanitsa Veshenskaya gathered on February, 21, 2008 in the District House of Culture to celebrate the Memory Day of M.A. Sholokhov.

Long before the arrival of the professional group of actors from Rostov-on-Don, the Museum-Reserve was getting ready for meeting them. Great preliminaries were carried out – numerous billboards announced the Memory Day everywhere in the Stanitsa. Old citizens – countrymen, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, teachers and students of the college and schools, the workers and employers were sent invitations. The postmen delivered individual invitations.

The overcrowded house warmly greeted a special program “Sholokhov’s Legacy Will Ever Be”, performed by the students and graduates of the Rostov branch of the Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. The author, director and inspirer of the stage performance of this Memory Day party is the deputy-head for education, the chief of the chair of artistic-creative disciplines of the Rostov branch, Honoured Culture Worker of the RF Irina Alexeyevna Kazachyok. She skillfully passes her love for Sholokhov’s creative work, for the Verkhny Don to the young generation. Every year she takes her students to Stanitsa Veshenskaya to visit Sholokhov places and the Museum-Reserve.

The audience enjoyed the readings from M.A. Sholokhov’s books, Cossack songs and dances performed by the young actors.

The party was attended by the elder daughter of the writer – S.M. Sholokhova, by his grandson, the director of the Sholokhov State Museum-Reserve A.M. Sholokhov. They met with the actors and thanked them heartily.

Marina Popova