Two kayuks are stored in the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve, one of them ...
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NewsPushkin Has Come to the Don Again24.11.2008On November, 21, 2008, the Excursion-Exhibition Centre “People’s House” of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve opened an exhibition “Alexander Pushkin. The Life and the Lyra”, held in the project of “The Museum Inside the Museum”. It displays the exhibits of the State A.S. Pushkin Museum collection. Pushkin’s life was rather often connected with the Don. For the first time he came here early in 1820. Eeight years later on his way to the Caucasus for obtaining the stuff for the tenth chapter of his novel “Eugeniy Oneghin”, he visited the Don land again. One more meeting of the great Russian poet with the sites which had inspired him, was the opening of the Pushkin exhibition on the Sholokhov land. Welcoming the guests the Head of the Museum-Reserve A.M. Sholokhov noted the importance of the event ensued from the fruitful cooperation of the two museums. The exhibition opening ceremony was participated by the Head of the State A.S. Pushkin Museum E.A. Bogatyryov and the members of M.A. Sholokhov’s family – his daughter, Svetlana Mikhailovna, and his son, Mikhail Mikhailovich. E.A. Bogatyryov, handing a wonderful present – a portrait of the author of the immortal novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” to A.M. Sholokhov, emphasized, that Veshenskaya is a peculiar place, enlighted by the radiance of Sholokhov, and the Pushkin Museum exposed here the best exhibits from its unique collection. The museum-workers of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in the literary-musical composition followed the way of Pushkin’s visiting the Don stanitsas and towns, they managed to reflect the peculiar atmosphere which had helped his generating the poems devoted to the Don. The exhibition displayed about 200 exhibits. The exposition viewers could see the portraits of Pushkin and his contemporaries, the poet’s books and manuscripts, the articles of the nobiliary cultural everyday life, gravures, lithographs, devoted to the war of 1812, fashionable pictures, genre scenes and other materials bearing bright features of the Pushkin Age, and they could also feel the atmosphere of that time when the great Russian poet lived and worked. The exhibition “Alexander Pushkin. The Life and the Lyra” will function from November, 21, 2008 till February, 26, 2009. We welcome the residents and guests of the stanitsa. Elena Blagorodova |