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Staff of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve at the Translators’ Seminar


The representatives of the Sholokhov museum-reserve took part in the XV International Seminar of Leo Tolstoy and other Russian classics. It took place from 7 to 10 November in the Museum-Estate of Leo Tolstoy "Yasnaya Polyana". The seminar brings together not only translators and researchers of the work of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy and other Russian writers, but also contemporary art representatives - writers, poets, directors connected with the study of the legacy of Leo Tolstoy, the dialogue of the Russian writer with European and many other cultures, features of the era in which he lived and worked. 

The meeting touched upon such topics as lifetime translations of Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", stories for children in English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Tatar; the legacy of Fyodor Dostoevsky in the Tatar literary translation; reception of the heritage of Mikhail Sholokhov in the Scandinavian countries, translations of his works into Norwegian by Ivar Digernes; translations of La Fontaine's poems for the 400th anniversary of the birth of the French poet and others. 

Traditionally, Galina Yevtushenko, a screenwriter, director and producer of documentary films, took part in the seminar. She presented two new works - films "Alexandrovka" and "Anton Chekhov and Isaac Levitan", amazing the audience with the finest psychologism, the depth of the pictures. Galina has long dreamed of visiting Sholokhov museum-reserve in Vyoshenskaya. Her visit and the display of her films in Vyoshenskaya are planned for the next year. 

The participants of the seminar went on an excursion to the Tolstoy memorial house, examined the unique memorial greenhouse on the territory of the museum-estate, as well as the modern museum greenhouse. In the historical part of Tula we examined the "museum quarter" located on Metallistov street. Architectural buildings (merchant estates, tenement houses) are fully preserved here, the appearance of which has not changed over the past 150-200 years. Currently, the buildings have been transferred to museums and reserves of the Tula region. 

It should be noted the responsible approach to the organization of the seminar by the host side - all sanitary requirements were strictly observed, and the participants of the seminar got the opportunity to communicate lively with each other. Such unique events as the Translators’ Seminar in Yasnaya Polyana contribute to the preservation and popularization of spiritual culture, the modern dialogue of cultures on topics raised by the classics of Russian literature and do not lose their relevance at the present time.


Lydia Slyusarenko