The Book, Which Flew Round the Earth
A book “Virgin Soil Upturned” and an air chart, which were ...
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NewsTeleconference "Sholokhovsky Spring: Vyoshenskaya - Nikolaevsk - Caucasus - Kazakhstan"18.09.2020For 20 years, children and adults from different parts of Russia and neighboring countries have gathered in Vyoshenskaya, in a kind of Sholokhov Artek, to study and popularize the creative heritage of Mikhail Sholokhov, the nature of the Don region, the traditions of the Don Cossacks. But this year, due to objective reasons, the guys could not come. The staff of the Museum-Reserve decided to unite the participants of the “Sholokhov Spring” using a teleconference. This idea was supported by the participants. On September 17, 2020, a teleconference took place between the organizers and participants of the rally "Sholokhovsky Spring": Sholokhov Museum-Reserve and constant team leaders from Vyoshenskaya (The Secondary School named after Sholokhov, teacher A. Sidorova), Nikolaevsk (director of the Museum of Local History "Earth-Space" L. Bogatyreva; director of the youth center "Impulse" E. Smirnova, secondary school № 1, teacher V. Mayezhova; teacher T. Yakovenko), Vladikavkaz (school № 45, teacher A. Gurtsiev, S. Sukhareva), Nalchik (ecological and biological center, teacher of additional education E. Berdanova), Abkhazia (public ecological organization "Apsabara", chairman A. Dzheniya), Kazakhstan (former director of the Mikhail Sholokhov memorial museum O. Chekanova, guide A. Murzina, teacher M. Pavlyuk , ethnographer T. Abdrakhmanov). Deputy Director Taras Turchin, who informed about the ecological and educational activities of the Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. Also, the head of the meeting summed up the results of competitions for research works of schoolchildren, literary landscape compositions based on works of Russian classical literature. The participants of the teleconference approved the theme of the meeting for 2021: "Ecological tourism as a tool for sustainable development of the territory", made a decision to conduct a lesson of the "Sholokhov Spring" for the children in their places of residence, shared interesting memories of the competition days of the past and information about working with children in new conditions.
The “meeting” was warm. The participants wished everyone good health, and also expressed hope for new good meetings on the Don land.
Oksana Turchina |