A Portrait of M.A. Sholokhov
It is a crosslet embroidery work, a present to Sholokhov on ...
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NewsExhibition “Sholokhov’s Land. Seasons"21.07.2020In the stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the exhibition "Sholokhov’s Land. Seasons" was opened in the "People's House". It presents paintings by famous artists from the collection of the Sholokhov museum-reserve. The name of the outstanding master of artistic expression Mikhail Sholokhov is inextricably linked with the fate of the Don region. Here, on his native land, among the wide steppes, grasses, sun-warmed plowed fields, in the very thick of the life of Cossack villages and farms, his talent grew and strengthened. Here his immortal works were born, which brought the author worldwide fame. In the National Sholokhov Museum-Reserve paintings by a number of artists are kept (including Boris Shcherbakov, Alexander Timofeev, Ilya Khashkhayan, Rashit Maksyutov, Alexander Shchebunyaev, Vladimir Trunin, etc.), who displayed the writer's favorite places. It is very important that interesting, gifted masters, whose work is close and understandable to people, took up the Sholokhov theme. Boris Shcherbakov is an artist of a realistic modern landscape. He surprises audience with his deep penetration into the soul of nature, its philosophy, the subtlety of its shades. Shcherbakov went his own way, loving Russian realistic painting and Russian classical literature. This is how the wonderful cycles of his landscapes appeared: Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turghenev, Sholokhov. We can only thank the artist for the fact that he painted so deeply the passages dear to the heart of every person who loves the work of Mikhail Sholokhov. Don artist Alexander Timofeev is known as a master of paintings and graphic works. Timofeev has a lot to do with Vyoshenskaya, with the Sholokhov region. The artist often came here to work, painted farms and villages, floodplain meadows, forests and steppes, hillocks and greenish waters of the Don - everything that makes up the main theme of his work - the Don land. A special place in the work of the Don artist Ilya Khashkhayan is occupied by works dedicated to the Sholokhov land. The ability to convey the originality of the Don nature, to spiritualize it is one of the undoubted advantages of the master. People's Artist of Russia Rashit Maksyutov worked in easel painting in the genres of landscape and thematic painting. His Don landscapes are imbued with a great lyrical feeling, the subtlest relation of color, the mood that arises when in contact with the natural world. From the canvases of the paintings presented at the exhibition, all the fullness and versatility of human sensations from the Don land, from the Sholokhov region spills out onto the visitor. These paintings combined numerous paths to the villages and farms, to the steppe distances, the coastal Don lowlands and steep slopes, bearing the signs of the history of the region, the fate of the writer and his literary characters. Exhibition “Sholokhov’s Land. The Seasons” will work in the People's House til September 13, 2020. We invite all residents and guests of the stanitsa Vyoshenskaya to visit this exhibition. When visiting the exhibition, you must have a protective mask with you and observe social distance.
Irina Koveshnikova |